10 Best Foods For Healthy Skin

Ever heard the saying “You are what you eat”? If so, then maybe it’s best that you choose the kinds of food that are not just good for the tummy, but foods for healthy skin too!

We all know that hydrating ourselves and making sure to drink lots of water is very important to maintain

moisturized skin. But did you know that there are a lot of other foods that can help us achieve glowing, healthy skin?

Here are 13 best foods for healthy skin:

Salmon – This fish is not just tasty but also contains lots of antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids needed in maintaining the skin barrier keeping the moisture in the skin and the toxins out.

10 Best Foods For Healthy Skin
10 Best Foods For Healthy Skin

Walnuts – Now, if for some reason you are not into fish, you can also have walnuts as an alternative source of Omega-3 fatty acids. One more advantage: you can have them on-the-go, anytime, anywhere.

10 Best Foods For Healthy Skin
10 Best Foods For Healthy Skin

Tomatoes – According to Dr. Joshua Zeichner, director of dermatology at Mt Sinai Hospital in NY, tomatoes are very rich in lycopene, which is a potent antioxidant that protects the skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Enjoy it fresh or add it as an ingredient to your dish!

Carrots – These orange veggies are very high in beta-carotene making them not just good for the improvement of eyesight but for decreasing skin’s excess oil. So if you have oily skin, munch on these goodies now.

10 Best Foods For Healthy Skin
Avocados – These fruits are very popular and are known to penetrate cells at the deepest level. They’re a very good source of Vitamins A, D, E, phytonutrients, and good fats to moisturize the skin naturally. You can eat them as is, or add them to your favorite salad for that yummy flavor.

10 Best Foods For Healthy Skin
Oranges – Now we all know that citrus fruits, in general, have a high concentration of Vitamin C in them which is a very important vitamin in keeping that youthful glow. Say hello oranges, goodbye wrinkles!

Almonds – Just in case there’s no available citrus fruit in the market, or perhaps you are not into fruits, you can also enjoy almonds that contain Vitamin E that also aids in keeping that younger-looking skin.

Eggs – Protein-rich foods like eggs are the building blocks of collagen production as per Dr. Arash Akhavan, the founder of Dermatology and Laser Group in NYC. Best eaten during breakfast with your toast and fruits!

Milk – Not only is milk a great source of calcium, but it also contains Vitamin D essential to prevent wrinkles and skin discoloration. Remember, as we grow older, we need more calcium. So chug on a glass of milk starting today!

Broccoli – This little-tree-like vegetable is very high in Vitamins A, C, E, and K that can also help boost collagen production. Stir-fry them along with your beef strips, or add them to your salad. Either way is a healthy way!

Those are just some of the best food for your skin and there’s a lot more if we only find out about them. Aside from these foods, it also helps that you seek professional help to help you get a clearer, more radiant skin. Ask us how.